Words & Audio About Nothing

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WordPress 3.8 “Parker”

Version 3.8 of WordPress, named “Parker” in honor of Charlie Parker, bebop innovator, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. We hope you’ll think this is the most beautiful update yet. Introducing a modern new design WordPress has gotten a facelift. 3.8 brings a fresh new look to the entire admin dashboard.

2014-05-14T05:31:11-07:00December 16th, 2013|Categories: Link List|Tags: |0 Comments

Bill Gates on Steve Jobs: We grew up together

We’ve seen plenty of Bill Gates on television, but we’d never seen him get emotional before. It was a striking, yet subtle moment in Gates’ 60 Minutes interview this week when Charlie Rose asked him about his longtime business rival, the late Steve Jobs. Gates grew emotional as he recalled visiting Jobs just before his death. The billionaire welled up as he described their last conversation, which he described as “forward-looking.”

2014-05-14T05:31:11-07:00May 13th, 2013|Categories: Link List|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Android Accounted For 79% Of All Mobile Malware In 2012

Is it because Android is the most popular smartphone platform in the world right now, or is it because it’s just fundamentally easier to attack? In any case, Google’s mobile juggernaut Android continues to be the world’s biggest magnet for mobile malware. According to areport out today from security specialists F-Secure, Android accounted for 79% of all malware in 2012, up from 66.7% in 2011 and just 11.25% in 2010. On the other side of the spectrum, Apple’s iOS, the world’s second-most popular platform for smartphones in terms of new purchases, remains one of the least compromised, with 0.7% of malware on its platform.

2014-09-25T22:51:37-07:00March 7th, 2013|Categories: Link List|0 Comments

The new $99 Roku 3

The biggest change with Roku 3 is the new interface. I had a chance to give it a test-drive at a private demo with Roku in New York, and it’s a huge improvement. The first thing you’ll notice is you can see nine channels at once, compared with just five on the old interface. The new layout also reveals three more channels with every click, which lets you zip through all your channels in a fraction of the time.

2014-05-14T05:31:12-07:00March 6th, 2013|Categories: Link List|Tags: |0 Comments

The Computer That Never Crashes

Everyday computers are ill suited to modeling natural processes such as how neurons work or how bees swarm. This is because they plod along sequentially, executing one instruction at a time. “Nature isn’t like that,” says UCL computer scientist Peter Bentley. “Its processes are distributed, decentralized and probabilistic. And they are fault tolerant, able to heal themselves. A computer should be able to do that.”

2014-05-14T05:31:12-07:00February 16th, 2013|Categories: Link List|Tags: , |0 Comments

Remove iCal Birthday Reminders

Here a little app I put together using applescript to remove any reminders that are added to your birthday calendar.  I somehow got a reminder on all of them and instead of going through one by one I decided to create this.  Hope this help someone else out.

Kill All Reminders

2014-05-13T23:10:28-07:00February 15th, 2013|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Next Xbox Has Mandatory Kinect, Game-Swapping and New Controllers, According To Leaked Info

The next-generation Xbox—the one that will follow the still-popular Xbox 360—will run multiple games at once, require game installations, and will only work when a much-improved version of the popular but divisive Kinect sensor array is plugged in, according to a source who says he has access to development hardware.

2014-05-14T05:31:13-07:00February 12th, 2013|Categories: Link List|0 Comments